Newspapers - Newsgate

Types of paper: Tabloid and Broadsheet and local or school.
The news media select events for reporting according to a complex set of criteria of newsworthiness. Criteria are probably more or less unconscious in editorial practice, are referred to by students of the media as 'news values'. and said to perform a 'gate keeping' role, filtering and restricting news input. The more newsworthiness, the more an event satisfies, the more likely it is reported. - Language in the news: discourse and ideology in the press Fowler 1991:13.

Newsworthiness within The Sun newspapers its very heavily based on gossip stories, shocking stories and placing a very heavy view and portraying people in one specific way (this could be based on political views as well - left/right wing) and days out/holidays. That the stories aren't always fully true and are twisted and manipulated to be over exaggerated.

News organisations have to consider several factors when selecting what news to cover:
Financial Constraints - This influences/ impacts on the news and what is featured and how much coverage it will receive and the types of topics/stories are used.
Airtime or Column space available - This impacts how important the story is and how much it is talked about etc.
Deadlines - These are dates that the news organisation has to follow and has to have a news story prepared read for the newspaper.
Audience - Is important as it has to fit for this specific audience interest and the audience needs to understand what they are reading. Other factors impact this, such as class, occupation, gender etc.

 Cultivation theory (sometimes referred to as the cultivation hypothesis or cultivation analysis) was an approach developed by Professor George Gerbner. Cultivation theory examines the long-term effects of television. "The primary proposition of cultivation theory states that the more time people spend 'living' in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality aligns with reality portrayed on television.".

Clay Shirky - "End of audience".


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